Monday, July 25, 2011

2 Years Old!!

Friday was the day our little girl turned 2 years old. She was greeted with balloons and a big chocolate muffin as soon as she woke up.

She only ate a bite before running to pull the sheet off this big present.

A kitchen! Her face seemed to say, "Mom, is this for real?!?"
Thanks Bob and La!

She got lots of other toys including this MegaBlocks table that Daddy picked out.

Unfortunately, she wouldn't hold still long enough during the day for me to get any really good pictures of the Birthday Girl.

Then when Daddy got home from work, we ate dinner and had a birthday cake. She loved when we sang "Happy Birthday to You" and getting to blow out the candles.

She loved the candles so much that we had to put them back on the cake (after it we had eaten some) so she could blow them out again.

It was a really good day. Our girl is beyond blessed to have amazing people in her life. To each of you that sent a gift or a card, we thank you. Your generosity and thoughtfulness never go unnoticed or unappreciated. Thanks for helping make the first two years so wonderful! We love and miss you all!!

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