Friday, September 10, 2010

A Little Climber

AC started walking on June 26th, just after she turned 11 months old. This was for-real walking. You know, letting go of the couch, taking more than 5 or 6 steps, and going wherever her little heart desired. I had been expecting her to walk early because both me and her dad were early walkers. I was surprised when she didn't walk until 11 months. Later the pediatrician informed me that she was an early walker, indeed. She said baby girls typically don't start walking until they are around 14 months old. One might be proud of this first big accomplishment, but veteran parents know what early walking means. It means that Mom and Dad must step up their game, and quick. A few months later, at almost 14 months, I wouldn't call her a walker any longer. I would consider her more of a runner. And a climber. This girl is serious about her physical development. She doesn't say much (that makes sense, anyway), but she sure can hustle. So you probably won't be surprised to hear that today she climbed into her stroller when I wasn't looking. I turned my back to open the back door for the furry child. When I turned back around, there she happily sat in her stroller. I got her down and grabbed my camera, knowing she would try it again. She did. Here it is:

Have a good weekend everyone. Oh, and don't call us tomorrow from 3:30-7:00. Ohio State plays Miami. It's a big deal, so the daddy says. We love you!

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